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Performing Brecht

Interested in licensing a work by Brecht for performance? All the contact details for his publisher, Suhrkamp Verlag, are here.

Brecht in Practice

Writing Brecht team member David Barnett runs a website dedicated to 'Brecht in Practice', including downloadable resources, images and notes on Brecht's theory.


The Brecht list at Bloomsbury Publishing Bertolt Brecht in Sweden, August 1939

The Brecht list at W. W. Norton & Co.

A digital bibliography of Brecht's works in English translation

The Brecht Yearbook, a publication of the International Brecht Society

Dreigroschenheft, a quarterly journal

Modern Poetry in Translation regularly features translations of poems by Brecht


The International Brecht Society organises conferences and symposia, and publishes the journal Communications as well as the Brecht YearbookBrechthaus

Bertolt Brecht Archive, Berlin

Electronic catalogue of the Brecht Archive Berlin

Literaturforum im Brechthaus, Berlin organises numerous events, including the Brecht-Tage in February every year

Arbeitsstelle Bertolt Brecht, Karlsruhe

Brechthaus Augsburg, a museum in Brecht's place of birth

Brechtfestival Augsburg, an annual festival in Feburary

Brecht-Weigel-Haus Buckow

Brecht House Svendborg

Berliner Ensemble