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Fatzer: Downfall of an Egoist

The 'Recycling Brecht' symposium opened on 25 June 2016 with a production of Fatzer: Downfall of an Egoist at Oxford’s North Wall Arts Centre.

This relatively little-known dramatic fragment by Brecht was translated and reconstituted in a new version by Tom Kuhn, and was directed by Di Trevis, formerly of the National Theatre and the RSC. The unfinished play follows four deserters from the First World War, who make their way back behind friendly lines and eke out a life underground. But tensions – and the struggle between egoism and collective action – soon take over.

This film is protected by copyright and is not to be copied or reproduced: text © Bertolt-Brecht-Erben/Suhrkamp Verlag 1967 and 1997; translation © Tom Kuhn 2016. For performing rights in the UK apply to Alan Brodie Representation.